Thursday, September 3, 2020

Gold, God or Glory free essay sample

You’ve just escaped jail subsequent to completing three years for participating in consuming an apostate. You’re not wedded, you have no children and you don’t have an excessive amount of continuing for you at the present time. The moment you get out, you’re closest companion is in that spot sitting tight for you. He’s got the let’s accomplish something crazy face you’ve developed to detest. You don’t recognize what he’s going to ask you yet you know it’s insane. He says, â€Å"Want to traverse the ocean with me? † Through verbal, he’s been asked by a man, who passes by Christopher Columbus, to go with him and eighty other men on a boat over the Atlantic. It’s insane, it’s foolish yet will you go? For what reason would an individual living in Spain choose to get together and leave all that he was use to in look for new terrains? Did these men long to traverse the sea confronting and obscure passing for just strict reasons? Or on the other hand was it in light of the fact that these men were eager to chance all, start a fresh start and take the risk at increasing gigantic riches and greatness? There is no uncertainty that for most men, gold was the primary wellspring of inspiration for pilgrims, followed intently by popularity and ultimately God. Particularly evident in Aguirre, or the Wrath of God, the Spaniard’s gambling traverse the Atlantic did so in light of the fact that they needed to get a definitive prize, gold and loads of it. The fantasy of the wealth isn't a legend at everything except rather can be introduced as actuality. The craving to go looking for wealth goes back to before Spain’s predominance as a country during time when the realms of Castile and Aragon were as yet isolated. Portugal’s perfect area close to the Atlantic Ocean made it perfect for the nation to go here and there the expense of Africa. Subsequently, the Portuguese country became massively rich because of its simple ocean access along the coast permitting the exchange of items and slaves. â€Å"Arguably, the mission for direct access to West African slaves drove legitimately to the Iberian disclosure of the Americas. † The abrupt development of Portuguese pulled in numerous different guides, mariners and slave brokers, Christopher Columbus to be incorporated. Christopher Columbus accepted that one could cruise West over the Atlantic and hit Asia. The Portuguese didn't trust him and in doing as such, carried him to look for any other individual that would gracefully him on his excursion. He looked somewhere else and discovered the help of the Spanish Crown through Queen Isabella. Columbus set off for Asia in 1492 and unintentionally, hit an island in the Caribbean. It tends to be contended that the Spanish triumph of the new grounds was not for monetary increase but instead for strict purposes. Bartolome De Las Casas in his own letter, a Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (1542), he expresses that â€Å"the Americas were found in 1492, and the main Christian settlements built up by the Spanish the next year. The Spanish shaping a Christian settlement in such a brief timeframe gives proof that the Spanish set religion high on their need. He goes on later to state that â€Å"these would be the most honored individuals on earth if just they were allowed to change over to Christianity. † To aggregate, the letters talk about the mercilessness of the Spaniards against the locals which has brought about the deserting of numerous islands once possessed by locals. Bartolome De Las Casas, in his own record of the New World, doesn't once talk about the colonies’ financial prosperity or quest for gold. In any case, does this imply strict success was a higher priority than the recently settle Spaniard’s want to discover gold? It doesn't. Keep in mind, De Las Casas was a Dominican minister that claimed captives of his own. So how is it workable for the Spanish clerics to spare the indigenous individuals on the off chance that they couldn’t even spare their own from divine discipline? In Christopher Columbus’s letter to the Spanish crown in 1494, he states nine of his thirteen focuses to be about the transportation and the exchange of gold. Remember that two years have just gone since his appearance to the new world. In this letter, Columbus tends to issues managing gold, putting with a lesser significance on transformation, otherworldly success, and religion by and large. Columbus just discusses the transformation of Indians in a solitary point which states â€Å"That there will be a congregation, and ward ministers or monks to direct the holy observances, to perform divine love, and for the change of the Indians. † If Columbus and the Spaniards were progressively intrigued by the salvation of the indigenous individuals instead of for gold, it would just bode well that there would be a larger number of focuses about the change of locals than gold. It would likewise bode well for him to broadly expound on the procedure of transformation just as the worthy ramifications for locals reluctant to change over. Columbus doesn't really expound than just expressing that a congregation, ministers and the change of Indians be nearness. No place does it state number of individuals should have been changed over, or some other share of the sort. Columbus’s letter makes it very hard to accept the Spaniard’s number one intention was change. Yet rather, the letter makes it very certain that the Spaniard’s just as Columbus’ inspiration for investigation was increasingly centered around gold, the inquiry, transportation and the case to any gold found in the New world. Quick forward a couple of decades to 1560, the Spaniards have set up their states and now are on the quest for the brilliant city of El Dorado. In the film, Aguirre or the Wrath of God, the chief, Werner Herzog, makes it understood to the watcher that the conquistadors are looking for wealth and wealth alone. There are various scenes where the minister, Gaspar de Carvajal, and the slaves are together however never does the film show the missionary’s want to change over them into Christians. In one specific scene as the Spaniards ride on a pontoon down the stream, they unearth two locals in a close by kayak. Aguirre and his men, catch both of the locals which are then introduced to the remainder of the team. The Spaniards and, endless supply of quickly ask where he had gotten the gold. Herzog gives specific consideration to-detail in the missionary’s articulation when he sees the local man’s brilliant jewelry. As opposed to the inviting and blessed picture, one may figure the minister may have upon first-contact, the preacher rather transforms into a horrendous and ravenousness filled man. The watcher can see the longing for riches covered all up the missionary’s face and simply after he discovers which heading the gold is in does he choose to change over the locals. The request wherein the Spanish preacher approached his obligations plainly shows to the watcher that in his psyche, he had his material wants first and transformation of the local second. This specific scene conflicts with the conviction that the Spaniards were intrigued more with regards to salvation than discovering wealth. Or maybe it gives away from for the intentions of the Spaniards on their mission to discover El Dorado and at last, their longing for gold. Not exclusively does Aguirre or the Wrath of God propose a slight want for transformation of locals, it additionally recommends the Spanish Conquistadores want for riches and wonder. This can be supported up towards the finish of the film, Aguirre more than all else, needs the notoriety and force that accompanies acquiring new terrains. He twice alludes back to Cortez, the Spanish conquistador that defied the Spanish crown and in doing so found Mexico, as a method of mobilizing his men. In his psyche, he has the fixation on the fantasy of the city of El Dorado in any event, when his men begin to lose confidence he pushes on and thusly, slaughters them all. The film closes with Aguirre on the pontoon, everybody around him has ceased to exist from a fever or starvation, however and still, at the end of the day he despite everything keeps looking until his demise for the deception of popularity and fortune. Aguirre’s final words, â€Å"I, the Wrath of God, will wed my own girl and with her I will found the most flawless administration the world has ever observed. Together, we will control this whole mainland. We will persevere. I am the Wrath of God! † Herzog legitimately, depicts the Spanish in a truly exact light. He sets them up as riches and acclaim hungry men inspired exclusively on their voracious want for influence and fortune. Albeit numerous Spaniard’s chose to travel abroad for a â€Å"Spiritual Conquest†, there is no uncertainty the Spaniard’s uninhibitedly decided to glance passing in the face for the likely more prominent addition of riches and wonder. It just doesn’t bode well for an individual to get together, and hazard all that they had going for them in Spain for the sole motivation behind strict transformation. Except if, an individual is a minister, there is no other explanation for looking and scanning for a person(s) to persuasively change over. Furthermore, assuming regardless of whether you happened to be an evangelist, that still doesn’t mean gold, and the quality of tremendous wealth had no impact on you. Cash is above all else. Also, it is legitimately lord, since it keeps on driving everything and everyone.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Customer Service Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Client assistance Techniques - Essay Example Scratch-offs are additionally basic at whatever point Mother Nature chooses to strike. On the off chance that you didn't know the aircraft has a severe arrangement that restricts its workers from giving a client a discount for any occasion or housing costs that the clients brings about in regardless of whether a deferral or dropping of flight happens because of whether conditions. This arrangement was made to shield the organization from cases, for example, yours which are out of the control of the association. The crucial the organization is to fulfill our clients every way under the sun. Our refusal of your case doesn't mean we don't esteem your business as a client. The harm you acquired in has nothing to do with the exercises of the carrier. We are exceptionally severe in our approach in light of the fact that the main obligation of the aircraft is action related with the trip of its planes. The assets of our aircraft are utilized in a productive way to give the best client care in the business. Since the organization couldn't give you the flight administrations you required we definitely will give you either a discount of your cash spend on the flight or give you an a worthy representative for be spend on an alternate trip for what's to come. The firm’s strategy on discounts is more adaptable than some our opposition because of the reality we furnish clients with money discounts, while different organizations just give a flight credit. We trust that this goals meets your desire. Tragically you miss your occasion. Our organization is genuinely grieved about the bother you brought about in because of the dropping of flight related with the climate. Your auxiliary case that the mechanical loner made the crossing out of climate event outdated isn't legitimate. The mechanical issue caused a postponement, yet the abrogation happened because of climate conditions. The flight had a one hour delay because of a mechanical issue. Planes are machines that occas ionally stall precisely simply like autos due. The security of the clients is the main need of the aircraft. The aircraft under no condition would imperil the lives of clients by placing a plane noticeable all around that had any sort of mechanical disappointment. We are genuinely heartbroken that you needed to pause while our repairmen fixed the plane. Having a trip on time isn't as essential to the firm as guaranteeing a plane is liberated from mechanical blunders at whatever point an issue happens. The security record of our organization is faultless. We comprehend that trusting that a mechanical blunder will be fixed is an issue for the client, however some of the time it happens and we should manage the issue in like manner. The mechanical blunder was not the explanation that the flight was dropped. The flight was dropped after the one hour delay because of terrible climate. There is no relationship between the mechanical mistake and the terrible climate. The concerns and worri es of the firm’s clients are a top need for the aircraft. Later on we trust we can furnish you with amazing administrations in the event that you choose to pick our organization as your favored carrier. The crucial this carrier is to guarantee our clients have an extraordinary flight and arrive at their goal on schedule. More often than not our flights leave on schedule and our clients get to their goal at the exact time their flight ticket determines, yet once in a while at whatever point the climate precludes it flights are postponed and dropped. The aircraft business is exceptionally controlled by the legislature. The Federal government has severe principles with respect to flight leaving

Friday, August 21, 2020

Global Trends in Economic Justice

Worldwide Trends in Economic Justice Presentation All through this course, I consistently scrutinized my comprehension of financial equity. With all that is changing all through our reality, the range of financial equity will persistently advance, as interests, laws, human connections, and governmental issues change. It was particularly intriguing to see that most of the nation falls in the main one percent of worldwide wages, making and yearly close to home salary of thirty 4,000. Which carries me to the issue of neediness, and how the worldwide economy works in an in a general sense uncalled for way. Despite the fact that our economy itself is improving and our country is getting more grounded, this doesn’t mean a lot of when a huge level of the populace is attempting to endure. We have examined the hypotheses and ideas of what is reasonable through three unique perspectives: Libertarian Capitalism, Socialism and Welfare State. I will talk about my understanding and individual reflections on monetary equity on the planet, and what I decide, dependent on our group conversations and readings, to be reasonable and just. My Personal Reflection At the point when conversations of destitution devoured the class, I chose to inspect the manner in which the world spotlights on what should be changed to better the economy and end neediness, for the most part inside the media, versus what is really being done about this circumstance. There have been a ton of positive changes made all through the world, first with Social Security after the Great Depression, to the now well known nourishment stamps, joblessness protection, laborers pay, earned annual duty credits, without any end in sight. However, there are insufficient occupations accessible to most Americans that pay over the lowest pay permitted by law. There is additionally insufficient interest in instruction or expertise improvement trainings. In spite of the fact that the lowest pay permitted by law was never expected to help a whole family, because of the absence of instruction and aptitudes, an enormous level of Americans are just ready to work where the compensation is le ast. I feel that fundamental human rights and opportunities are being undermined by permitting the neediness level to ceaselessly increment. I bolster a government assistance state and its capacity to help those stricken with neediness, anyway I feel that there should be significant changes before the administration winds up bankrupt, from the powerlessness to control what amount is going out versus what is coming in. Tossing cash at the issue has not helped with bringing down destitution or making the individuals who are in neediness, independent. Rather than making individuals in neediness increasingly agreeable, we have to make greater success, to give a route to these individuals to escape destitution. The more cash that the United States spends on implies helping programs, it appears the neediness level increments, and as indicated by president Barak Obama this financial plan for these projects will just increment after some time. The most ideal approach to expand riches in this circumstance is through the influence of a free market. Ensuring capital ventures, giving individuals chances to begin new organizations, su pport the bombed government educational system by empowering rivalry and decision, lastly promising and instructing the poor on the most proficient method to spare and contribute. Neediness in the World versus three Approaches to Economic Justice â€Å"Since the start of the War on Poverty, government has burned through nineteen point eight trillion (in swelling balanced 2011 dollars) on implies tried government assistance. In correlation, the expense of every military war in U.S. history from the Revolutionary War through the present war in Afghanistan has been six point nine eight trillion (in swelling balanced 2011 dollars). The War on Poverty has cost three fold the amount of as every single other war combined.† (Rector, 2012) So what do we do? How would we make this reasonable and just? As indicated by Stephen Nathanson, in the book Economic Justice, there are three methodologies: Libertarian Capitalism †rewards individuals for their endeavors and commitments, you can try sincerely and make more commitments however you don’t consistently gain more than individuals who work less and contribute less. Supports private possession, a market framework, gracefully and request, legacy, and noble cause. Communism †accepts an equivalent conveyance would forestall despair, everybody has an offer by goodness of their mankind, â€Å"from each as per his capacity, from each as indicated by his need.† (Nathanson, 1997) Supports open possession, an arranged economy, with a brought together freely controlled framework, and allotment dependent on need or the libertarian rule. Government assistance State †Allows individuals to excel by ideals of their endeavors and commitments, while not passing judgment on them dependent on their accomplishment in the market, however that they have a genuine case to certain assets. Supports basically private possession, a market framework with some administration intercession, and distribution dependent on some portion of assets, advertise qualities and blessings. Libertarian Capitalism on Poverty â€Å"Despite the way that states have for quite some time been globalized as far as their monetary relations, it is just as of late that researchers have started to seek after the issue of distributive or financial equity on the more extensive stage gave by world politics.† (Kapstein, 2006) The previous 25 years have seen the best decrease in worldwide neediness throughout the entire existence of the world. â€Å"The credit goes to the spread of capitalism.† â€Å"Over the previous scarcely any decades, creating nations have grasped financial arrangement changes that have made room for private enterprise.† (Irwin, 2014) Even logician Adam Smith depicted the economy as a â€Å"commercial society.† Capitalism will in general reason a few issues concerning the neediness level since it urges organizations to close down their production lines and put away their cash somewhere else, leaving individuals without an occupation. It essentially is about aggregation of riches. Charles Murray recommends that individuals are in neediness since something in them is missing, and he accepts that exchanging the government assistance and government projects would leave those in destitution utilizing these â€Å"crutches,† just the assets of the activity showcase, companions, family, or private or privately supported administrations, empowering utilize their legitimacy and win. Communism on Poverty Independence is advanced and sees on free enterprise from a communist perspective is that of oppression. They additionally will in general interest what the rich spare and empower riches dissemination through social privilege programs, and in light of the fact that reasonable is never characterized it can't be estimated. This view likewise prefers to concentrate on creation for need, not benefit. They endorse of expanded and extended government assistance help, just as free quality training in a protected and secure condition. â€Å"Socialism will build up another social and financial request in which laborers and network individuals will assume liability for and control of their relational connections, their neighborhoods, their nearby government, and the creation and circulation all things considered and services.† (Socialist Party USA: 2013-2015 National Platform , 2014) Socialist accept that destitution is brought about by the regular activities of an industrialist commerc ial center that has consistently rejected a noteworthy piece of the populace from better than average occupations and, in this way, from the capacity to buy on the private market merchandise important for an OK life for themselves and their kids. Government assistance State on Poverty It is a hypothesis that manages for the absolute security of its occupants and is like communism. It gives privilege projects and some social protection to its inhabitants, and accommodates people out of luck, through an unnumbered measure of projects known as government assistance. Government assistance consolidates government programs that give benefits and financial help to Americans with next to zero salary. One of the fundamental objectives of government assistance in the United States, is to improve the nature of expectations for everyday comforts and life, for the oppressed. Government assistance help is normally reached out to individuals other than simply poor people and oppressed and incorporates understudies, unpaid laborers, parental figures, moms and the older. One of the establishments of this nation is close to home freedom, and reliance on an administration office for budgetary help can take away from this inclination, and lifestyle and move into to a greater degree a government assistance state condition. The following is a 1940’s drawing of William Beverage the author of the Welfare State deferring a wand over huge mammoth â€Å"wants.† People became acclimated to carrying on with the simple existence with all the advantages and they got needy. Social approach has come to be driven by the very strategies that the government assistance state should supplant. Destitution in the government assistance state, even with all the extra advantages gave, to those with lower or no pay, is still progressively high. One explanation is on the grounds that there are a few things that the government assistance state can't control, for instance: Being distraught in the work showcase Can’t end imbalance Can't ensure full work Can't give stable relationships We need to recollect that government assistance was not made for poor people, it was made to keep individuals from getting poor. End The numerous issues and suppositions with Capitalism, Socialism and the Welfare State, and the impacts of each on destitution are just about uneven. Wherever you look into you will locate that each is to its own. So I arrived at the resolution that what is â€Å"fair† in monetary equity concerning destitution is that the legislature should proceed with the government assistance state, support those out of luck, and keep on battling segregation, as well as could be expected. All things considered, I don’t put stock in the course of our life we will see a significant change in the destitution level, as our nation constantly amasses obligation to ensure the oppressed. So what is â€Å"fair† for this situation is simply ensuring that everybody has an equivalent possibility and chance to improve a life for themselves. This incorporates state and government supported pr

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Fear and Panic Grips - Free Essay Example

Panic grips your mind as sweat slides down your head, chills tingling down your spine. A phobia feels something like this. Phobias cause an excessive and irrational fear reaction (Andrew Watts), or in simpler terms, they terrify you. 19 million Americans suffer from a phobia, and those people dont fail reality testing, meaning theyre not delusional. Phobias are different from normal fears because they cause more anxiety, stress, and theyre uncontrollable, which lets them classify as an anxiety disorder. The reason why phobias terrify you is mostly simple, and it mainly consists of your brain essentially tormenting you. Traumatic experiences involving the object of terror, whether it be hearing about it or observing it, is one of the main factors for how phobias are developed. The brain likes to store information to recall it later on, and if someone faces a similar situation that caused them terror, their reaction would be the same. Within the brain, the amygdala triggers the fight or flight reaction, which heightens the mind and bodys awareness. The areas of the brain that manage stress and anxiety retrieve the memory more often than it should, essentially torturing you. Smaller factors can also play a part in developing a phobia, such as medications, genetics, physical and mental issues, and brain injuries. There is also a theory that phobias stem from the fear and instinct from ancient times of early humans. Symptoms of phobias include sweating, chest pains, pins and needles, uncontrollable anxiety, dry mouth, chills, nausea, headaches, and accelerated heartbeat. When you have a phobia, you tend to avoid whatever terrifies you at all costs, and when in contact with the object of terror, you stop functioning normally, giving in to the terror. Understanding phobias are vital to understanding those suffering from them. When classifying phobias, you can break them down into three main categories; Specific, Social, and Agrophobia. Specific phobias are phobias with a specific name associated with the feared object, such as arachnophobia and claustrophobia, to name a couple. Social phobias are defined as a fear of being humiliated or underperforming in social situations(). Agrophobia is when you feel uncomfortable when help isnt easily or readily available. Small spaces would be an example or Agrophobia. There are many types of Specific Phobias, too many to list and explain here. One scientist in the University of California, Mark Barad, trained two groups of mice to associate a sound with a mild electrical shock, creating fear within the mice. He then tried to cure that fear to the best of his abilities. One group of mice was continuously exposed to the noise and when being cured, they took about 20 minutes to overcome their fear. The other group was exposed to the noise in shorter two-minute bursts w ith 10 minutes of silence in between each burst. After being treated they still remained scared. To conclude which medicine works best, Mark tried two anxiety-reducing drugs on the first group of mice; propranolol and yohimbine. The ones treated with yohimbine lost their fear four times as fast compared to those who were treated with propranolol. The result of this test showed that with the knowledge that fears can be mostly cured, perhaps phobias could be cured as well. There are actually multiple ways to treat phobias, and most people know their phobias, making it easier to treat. Anxiety-reducing medications, obviously, reduce anxiety, which is one of the major parts of phobias. Beta-blockers reduce physical signs of anxiety and lower your blood pressure by blocking out adrenaline. There are multiple variations of beta blockers, each either affecting your heart or brain. Non-heavy doses of tranquilizers also reduce anxiety. Therapists, to cure phobias, often practice exposure therapy. Exposure therapy isnt a very creative name, as it simply exposes the person to their phobia. Some exposure therapy uses medication to heighten the adrenaline in your body, heightening your fear. During the session, someone could look at a picture of their fear, and like with the mice testing, after continuous exposure could cure your phobia. Furthermore, understanding phobias are important to understanding and possibly helping those suffering from phobias.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why Prostitution Is Wrong - 1156 Words

In â€Å"Markets in Women s Sexual Labor† Debra Satz lays out an argument for an â€Å"egalitarian approach† to deciding why prostitution is wrong and whether or not that means it should be illegal (Satz, 1995). Satz accepts that prostitution is wrong from the start but she seeks a good explanation for why. She decides that prostitution is wrong because the practice of women selling their sexual services to men perpetuates gender inequality. If we accept that prostitution is wrong then we should look for a good argument to explain why that is so. Many people feel that it is wrong in that there are some things humans can do that should not be put on the open market. This is the asymmetry thesis, which says that selling sex and reproductive services on the market is more wrong than selling other services. In order to make this thesis credible, however, it needs to say why sex and reproduction are singled out as unacceptable. What is it that is common to all prostitution (which varies considerably) that makes it wrong? Satz presents three arguments that could answer this question. First, the economic approach. This argument says that prostitution is wrong if its social costs outweigh its social benefits. It agrees with the asymmetry thesis if it is a given that the costs of prostitution are higher than the costs of other services on the market. These costs as she lists them are spread of diseases, guilt, financial waste, and damage to â€Å"moralisms.† Satz objects to this approachShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Truth about Prostitution876 Words   |  4 PagesThe Truth about Prostitution Prostitution is a major problem in the United States today. The way we treat these victims as criminals is simply unacceptable. Found in â€Å"Business Insider† a study of San Francisco prostitutes showed that as many as 68% of them have been raped and an astounding 82% had been assaulted. Also found on Business insider is a study conducted on the prostitutes in Colorado Springs which showed that prostitutes are 18X more likely to end up murder victims than those who do notRead MoreProstitution Is The Practice Of Performing Sexual Activity1625 Words   |  7 Pages Prostitution is the practice of performing sexual activity to get paid. This practice has existed for centuries and yet the question remains – is prostitution moral? It is because prostitution involves selling something very personal to earn money. Many people think that prostitution encourages slavery for women and selling body in return for money is very wrong while others think that prostitution is just like any other service so there is nothing immoral about it. In this paper, I will argue thatRead MoreFreedom of Women to Be Prostitutes Essay1440 Words   |  6 PagesFor centuries, women have been selling their bodies, in most cases prostitution, but it is not world’s oldest profession. Nevertheless, for as long as history states, prostitution has been around for as long as the oldest professions in the world. Every aspect of history asserts even the slightest things about prostitution existing. Prostitution has been a long-term profession through out several decad es, whether it varies from being an adult star, escort, prostitute, a stripper etc†¦ As long as theyRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Legal1695 Words   |  7 Pagesthat prostitution will exist no matter what because men will always degrade women, and women, in turn, can do the same to men, even though these moral aspects are not connected with the legalization process, mostly depending on moral qualities of the society members, and not on a position on prostitution. Thus, the essay will try to prove why prostitution should not be legal with the help of analysis of the articles of the well-known scientists. While feminist theory represents prostitution as aRead MoreWhy Some Things Should Not Be For Sale855 Words   |  4 PagesProstitution is sometimes referred to as â€Å"the world’s oldest profession,† with the first record of its practice dates back to Ancient Near East civilizations. Despite its age-old existence, not until relatively recently that researches and studies have been conducted in an attempt to obtain a better understanding of and more liberal perspective on a taboo widely perceived as too degrading and immoral to even talk about. When writing about commercial sex in her book â€Å"Why Some Things Should Not BeRead MoreNegative Effects Of Prostitution1376 Words   |  6 Pagesand think and understand the reason being why have they chosen this life and how it affects them. I wanted to do a research to see what I can find on if prostitution was to be legal will it affect them socioeconomically, but in a positive way rather than negative. Even though prostitution seems to be a big deal in the 21st century, little do society knows prostitution has been here for many centuries. A little history about prostitution is that it’s been around so far as 2400 BCRead MoreWhat is Prostitution?1838 Words   |  7 Pages According to the 2014 Merriam-Webster dictionary, prostitution is defined as â€Å"the act of having sex in exchange for money† (â€Å"Prostitution†). In the United States, the trafficking of sex sales has been illegal since the early 1900’s, with the exception of the 49th state, Alaska (Head). The trade was deemed unethical by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, also credited with the ban of drug use and the elimination of alcohol in the 1920’s. Today, in all but two states, the buying and selling ofRead MoreProstitution Is Not Morally Permissible1433 Words   |  6 PagesProstitution is the act of engaging in sexual activity for financial gain. It is described as o ne of the oldest profession and one of the most controversial issues in the modern society. In the ancient world, prostitution was allowed as part of religious traditions in some cultures such as Greek where prostitutes were dedicated to gods. Today prostitution has become more open, and some countries such as Bulgaria and Netherlands have legalized the practice. In the recent past, ethics of prostitutionRead MoreShould Prostitution Be Abolished?1174 Words   |  5 PagesProstitution. Streetwalking. The sex trade. The sex industry. Whoring. Hooking. Et Cetera. The exchange of sexual activities for money. Prostitution is probably one of, if not the oldest taboos in our culture, and for good reason. Often times, prostitution is monitored in places called brothels, meeting places for finding prostitutes and sex in general. This scandalous practice is currently legal in many parts of the world, i.e. Germany, most of South America, Spain, Australia, Canada, France, ItalyRead MoreProsti tution Between Canada And Canada1712 Words   |  7 PagesProstitution in Canada: Changes in Legislation Due to the fairly recent changes regarding the legality of prostitution in Canada, individuals who use and provide these services have been cautious (Warnica, 2015). Unfortunately, new laws may create more problems than benefits, such as, financial problems due to fewer people buying sex because it is illegal to do so. In this paper, I will explicate and assess the new changes to the law regarding prostitution in Canada, arguing that prostitution should

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adolf Hitler Vs Dietrich Bonhoeffer - 855 Words

Lauren Schroeder Draft 4 October 30, 2015 Adolf Hitler vs. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Bonhoeffer have some similarities and some differences. They both are two particularly interesting members of Germany’s historical history. Since they are both German, they both have similarities based on home country, but differences in background history. Examining these two important historical people will enable the ability to find similarities and differences in WWII. According to The Jewish Virtual Library, Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria. He was a resentful, dishonest child. He was often grumpy, lazy, and had unpredictable dispositions. He was deeply hostile towards his strict, authoritarian father and strongly attached to his indulgent, hard-working mother, whose death from cancer in December 1908 was a shattering blow to the adolescent Hitler. states that when Hitler was 3, His family moved from Austria to Germany. Because of his brother’s death in 1900, Hitler became detached and introv erted. His father did not approve of his interest in fine art rather than business because of Hitler’s interest in art and his additional interest in German nationalism, rejecting authority of Austria-Hungary. This early interest of nationalism would eventually lead to what Hitler became famous for about two decades later. Sources confirm that Dietrich Bonhoeffer, born on February 4, 1906 in Wroclaw, Poland, found a curiosity in

Drawing the Line History of Political Cartooning in Kenya Essay Example For Students

Drawing the Line: History of Political Cartooning in Kenya Essay Though cartooning as a medium of communication and expression is a relatively new phenomenon in Kenya, many a newspaper reader has become so addicted to editorial and thematic cartoon strips that a newspaper without either is not considered a worthy buy. Messages that cannot be conveyed in overdo for sensitivity, political correctness or prejudice are effectively communicated through cartoons. In a nutshell, cartoons have become the sugar coating for the bitter but necessary message. We appreciate the now settled role Of cartoons and their creators as the latter day conscience of the nation. Kudos to the Association of East African Cartoonist (CATKIN) for amortizing the history Of cartoons in the Mitten word! Let this initiative be not a seasonal oasis in a desert of information butt modest beginning of what will be a vast ocean of Satanist message for present and future generations. 7 Background A Brief History of Political Cartoons Knife-edged and salient, there is no simpler or more effective form of journalism than the editorial or political cartoon. The message ? usually critical is instantaneous, and often funny. Political cartoons (from cartoon, the Italian word for pasteboard. ) are for the most part composed of two elements caricature, which parodies the individual, and allusion, which creates the situation or context into which the individual is placed. Caricature as a Western discipline goes back to Leonardo dad Vines artistic explorations of the ideal type of deformity? the grotesque? which he used to better understand the concept of ideal beauty. Over time, the principles of form established in part by Leonardo had become so ingrained into the method of portraiture that artists like Agitation and Enabled Accuracy rebelled against them. Intended to be lighthearted satires, their caricatures were, in essence, counter-art. K The Italian masters used pasteboard for rough drawings (cartoon), Which were especially useful in preparing frescoes and tapestries. The word did not come to mean an amusing sketch until the asses when Prince Albert, Who wanted to decorate the walls Of the Drawing the Line new Houses of Parliament in London with frescoes, opened a competition for their design. The cartoons for the frescoes, some of them absurd in their attempts to appear heroic, were exhibited in 1843 and parodied shortly thereafter in the English gazing Punch, thus earning the word its present meaning. The sketch of A Captain of Pope Urban VIII is representative tooth new genre in that it is a quick, impressionistic drawing that exaggerates prominent physical characteristics to humorous effect. At its best, it brings out the subjects inner self in a kind of physiological satire and seems to be a comment on some facet of the Captains masculinity. Caricatures became popular with collectors, but they perceived the fanciful exercises as curiosities rather than viable artistic productions. As a result, they were not displayed publicly and so one of he earliest modes of graphic satire remained in the parlous and drawing room. While caricature originated around the Mediterranean, cartoons of a more editorial nature developed in a chillier climate. The Protestant Reformation began in Germany, and made extensive use of visual propaganda; the success of both Martin Lathers socio-religious reforms and the discipline Of political cartooning depended on a level of civilization neither too primitive nor too advanced. A merchant class had emerged to occupy positions Of leadership Within the growing villages and towns, which meant that a core of people existed who loud respond 9 Drawing the Line to Lathers invectives and be economically capable of resisting the all-powerful Catholic Church. With regard to the physical requirements of graphic art, both woodcutting and metal engraving had become established trades, with many artists and draughtsman sympathetic to the cause. Finally, the factor which probably influenced the rise of cartoons more than any other cultural condition was a high illiteracy rate. Luther recognized that the support of an increasingly more powerful middle class was crucial to the success to his retorts, but in order to lead a truly popular movement he would need the sheer weight of the peasantry numbers. The distribution of simple broadsheet posters or illustrated pamphlets throughout population centers proved to be an effective strategy because the images would reach a large amount of people and enjoy the greatest possible amount of comprehension. As Barry Burden, assistant professor of government at Harvard university, puts it, Satire was once the way for illiterate people to make sense of what was going on in politics? An excellent example of Luther use of visual protest is found in two woodcuts from the pamphlet Passion Christi undo 10 Drawing the Line Antichrists, originally drawn by Lucas Crane the Elder. These images contrast the actions of Jesus with those of the Church hierarchy. The hegemony Of religion at the time ensured that when someone drew a Biblical episode like that of Jesus driving the moneychangers out of the Temple, everyone would recognize it. The artist juxtaposed the first scene With a contemporary tableau that many people would also understand: the Pope writes indulgences while common folk pay their hard earned money in tribute. The two pictures clearly intend to raise public consciousness by illustrating the premise that changes must be made within the Church for life to ever become more Christie. Passion Christi undo Antichrists also demonstrates the artists use of the second element of political cartoons the context of a widely-recognized story or setting? to get his point across. As time went on, Germanic art assimilated the Italian caricature and established the conventions practiced on a wide basis by cartoonists of the 18th Century, The cartoon became a subst antial medium of commentary which took serious issues and presented them in a manner which as not only amusing, II Drawing the Line and therefore more socially acceptable, but also designed to affect the viewers opinion. As Western culture diversified from its original religious foundation, new subjects became available for discussion and subsequent ridicule; as such the appeal and influence of cartoons on public life grew in proportion. The American political cartoon avgas born in Philadelphia. This is sometimes credited to Benjamin Franklin for his famed Join or Die of 1974, showing a severed snake, its separate parts labeled as colonies. But four copperplate images, a 1764- 5 series, are considered the true beginning of the tradition in their comic-but- cutting depiction Of a political event, and particularly, Of Franklin himself. The series inflamed tempers during the 1764 elections and ultimately cost Franklin his seat in the Pennsylvania Assembly, the only election he was ever to lose. In the 18th Century the cartoonists of England, Russia, Germany, Spain, and the Limited States generally declared satirical war on Napoleon, and so effective were they that Napoleon sent notes to the government of England requesting their suppression, equating them with murderers. By the mid-19th century, editorial cartoons had become regular 12 Drawing the Line features in American newspapers, and were soon followed by sports cartoons and humorous cartoons. The effect to political cartoons on public opinion was amply demonstrated with the demise of William Tweed, a New York politician in the asses, largely caused by the attention paid to him by cartoonist Thomas NASA. Tweeds exasperated response speaks to the power of Annas cartoons, He demanded to his henchmen,Stop them damned pictures. I dont care what the papers write about me. My constituents cant read But, damn it, they can see pictures! In the 20th Century, the influence of cartoons was such that Hitler and Stalin surrounded themselves with large groups of pocket cartoonists who praised them extravagantly. They also destroyed or exiled scratch)NIST critical of them. During the Battle for Britain Englishman David Low, considered the centuries greatest cartoonist, was put on Hitless death list. In recent years, 29 countries have jailed or otherwise punished newspaper cartoonists, according to the Cartoonist Relief Network which is dedicated to the protection of the rights editorial cartoonists. The role of cartoonists As we have seen, for half a millennium cartoonists have exposed abuses of power, the corruption of government and the hypocrisy of society. Drawing the Color Line - Background Information EssayUnlike Juju Caulk Which never cared for social issues or politics, Joe did not shy away from the political. The realism foes was infectious; he almost had a life of his own. Unlike characters in Other cartoons, Who are Obviously fictional, Joe gave the impression that he was a next-door neighbor. If something affected ordinary people, Joe could be depended upon to speak on your behalf, and chances were that his views would pretty much represent what you would have said. Though the magazine ran for only about three years, Joe provided the inspiration for many of the cartoonists who followed. Besides serving as a role model, Hirsh unlocked the potential of cartoons to discuss any issue. When the magazine ceased publication, it was as if the country had lost a national celebrity. Nearly a quarter to a century later, Joe is still remembered fondly on Nairobi streets. 21 Drawing Owning later founded the weekly Nairobi Times newspaper (later to be sold to KANE and re-christened Kenya Times), issued every Sunday, and The Weekly Review, a weekly news magazine issued every Friday. Nairobi Times became a launch pad for budding cartoonists. After the collapse of Joe, Hirsh was seldom heard of in the cartoon world. Resident goring Cartoonists The cartoonists Who immediately followed Joe were from outside Kenya. Three were particularly influential: Tanzania Philip Underground, Uganda James Turpentine and Ghanaian Prank Dodo. Underground joined Kenya Times in 1983, where he introduced Kibitzer, which became a hit With readers as a social comic strip. Kibitzer literally means Of no use and the main character spent time essentially living up to the title. The strip connected to the social issues that had been Hirers forte. Sadly, Underground died in March 1986 at only 24. James Tummies, an agricultural economist, joined the Daily Nation where, besides drawing political cartoons, he wrote humor. When Hilary Owens founded Nairobi Times 22 Drawing the Line Tummies became an economics correspondent and later business editor; he continued with the paper even after KANE acquired it in 1982 and changed the name to Kenya Times. At the Times Tummies drew cartoons as well. One of his most popular characters was Bogie Bends who is probably best described as an African Andy Cap. Tummies published two comic hooks while still in Kenya. In 1986, he moved back to Uganda where he has been involved in many pursuits including serving in the Uganda cabinet, Kibitzer and Bogie Bends, while providing continuity and acting as an important bridge, still pale in comparison tit the robust environment that Hirsh set in Joe. Ghanaian born Prank Dodo started drawing political cartoons for the Nation in 1973. Dodo, who now produces a series of weekly comic strips, is one of the most socially and politically conscious, and longest active cartoonists on the Kenya scene. His characters tend to be much more mature and his themes more complex, reflective and intended for adult readership, particularly in the comic strips, The Mermaid of Motorboat and Galoot. His Other columns include Khan, Radii, 23 Drawing Living World, Checkmate, and Apex. Dodos work has been published broadly in the Nordic countries and throughout Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Like Hirsh, Dodo, Tummies and Underground have served as role models for later Kenya cartoonists. Local Cartoonists About the same time Dodo was working at the Daily Nation, local cartoonists begun to make their presence felt. One of the first was Kiosks Karri whose work was published in the East African Standard. However, Kiosks was to remain largely a commentator on social subjects. Paul Maid Killable was the first indigenous political cartoonist to reach national prominence. Maid owned the Nation in 1986 as the countrys first full time staff editorial cartoonist. Prior to that, he had been caricaturing for in-house magazines and publications in Mambas on the Kenya Coast. At the Nation, Maid was primarily an pop-De cartoonist focusing on political and social issues. According to Sunday Nation editor John Agenda, Maddox 24 Drawing the Line naughty as ever. He provides the clearest connection to Hirsh, as his cartoons and themes have a remarkable semblance to those in Joe. During the Vass when the first local editorial Cartoons were printed in the local dailies, the revealing political climate discouraged cartoonists from exploring sensitive subjects. For example, While one could caricature ministers and provincial commissioners, cartooning the President was out of the question, at least in the formal media. There were such drawings in the informal publications but these were largely underground papers with limited circulation, such as the clandestine press of the University of Nairobi. With the agitation for political change in the late asses and early asses, cartoonists became bolder and Maid is credited with being the first to caricature the then President Daniel Rap Mom. Though the presidential caricature has since become commonplace in Kenya cartoons, back then it was revolutionary. As newspapers recognized the important contribution cartoonists could make, more opportunities opened up. James Sham Kumara was hired as the main editorial cartoonist 25 Drawing for Kenya Times, after which, he worked briefly, still as a cartoonist, for the East African Chronicles, before settling in at the Standard. When Maid moved to the Standard, Tanzania Goodbye Goad Mamboed replaced him at the Nation and was to become one of Africans most internationally celebrated cartoonists. Goads works have appeared in a number of publications such as New African in the (J; Courier International and El Monde both in France; the Financial Mail and New Nation both in South Africa; Washington Times, Des Standard of Belgium, and Japan Times. Today, most local dailies have more than one staff cartoonist on their payrolls. Error example, the Nation has a pool of six cartoonists. The editorial cartoon is a permanent feature of editorial pages and the popularity of the composite cartoon commentary pioneered by Mads Its a Maid Maid World is testimony to local cartoonists talents as social and political commentators. The Challenges of Cartooning One of the challenges that Kenya cartoonists face is finding sufficient media through which to expose their work and exploit their talent. With only four newspapers, of which only two, the Nation and the East African Standard are truly mass newspapers, the challenge for any budding cartoonist is formidable. Although the other two dailies, Kenya Times and People, are also mass oriented, their combined circulation is still less than that of the Standard. The two main dailies can use only a limited number of cartoonists. At the moment, the Nation Group has about six cartoonists but only a few of them publish regularly. Hardly any of the countrys numerous magazines use cartoons. The efforts by Communication Artists Limited (CAL), a company founded by four of the leading scratch)NIST, have led to the launching of several cartoon-based publications including The African Illustrated, and Penknife, all of which have ceased publication after a limited number of issues. Penknife though has been resurrected as an insert in the Sunday Standard). Kenya cartoonists hue an identity crisis ? whether they are 27 Drawing the Line an independent profession or part of journalism. Though they definitely insider themselves journalists and, according to its Secretary-General Ezekiel Mutual, are recognized as such by the Kenya Union of Journalists, they feel that the specific title of Cartoonist is not well regarded. The problem that figures topmost in cartoonists minds. Is that of editorial censorship. Paul Maid Killable is concerned that editors will Water down cartoon commentary development and push it back to where it was at the outset thirty years ago. Though Kenya cartoonists nowadays enjoy a relatively large degree of freedom and the fact that no cartoonist has been charged or sued in court is testimony o this, they are alert to any developments that may endanger this treated.