Sunday, December 29, 2019

Rizal Chapter 22 Summary - 1957 Words

Chapter 22 Exile in Dapitan, 1892-96 Rizal lived in exile in faraway Dapitan, a remote town in Mindanao which was under the missionary jurisdiction of the Jesuits, from 1892 to 1896. This four – year interregnum in his life was tediously unexciting, but was abundantly fruitful with varied achievements. Beginning of Exile in Dapitan Steamer Cebu – brought Rizal to Dapitan carried a letter from Father Pablo Pastells, Superior of the Jesuits Society in the Philippines, to Father Antonio Obach, Jesuits parish priest of Dapitan. The letter informed that Rizal could live at the parish convent but with following condition which he refused. Captain Carnicero – the commandant where Rizal live. He admired the kind, generous Spanish Captain.†¦show more content†¦Artistic Works in Dapitan He contributed his painting skills to the Sisters of Charity who where preparing the Sanctuary of the Holy Virgin in their private chapel. He made sketches of persons and things that attracted him in Dapitan. The Mother’s Revenge – a statue representing the mother-dog killing the crocodile by way of avenging her lost puppy. 1A bust of Father Guerrico, 2a statue of the girl called â€Å"The Dapitan Girl†, 3a wood carving of Josephine Bracken (his wife) and 4a bust of St. Paul which he gave to Father Pastells. Rizal as Farmer Rizal bought 16 hectares of land in Talisay and he introduces modern methods of agriculture. He imported agricultural machinery from the United States. Rizal dreamed of establishing an agricultural colony which did not materialize because he could not get the support of the government. Rizal as Businessman Rizal engaged in a partnership business with Ramon Carreon a Dapitan merchant. (Fishing, copra and hemp industries) January 19, 1893 – he wrote a letter to Hidalgo and he expresses his plan to improve the fishing industry of Dapitan. Hemp industry – the most profitable business venture of Rizal May 14, 1893 – Rizal formed a business partnership with Ramon Carreon in lime manufacturing. Cooperative Association of Dapitan Farmers – organized byShow MoreRelatedRizal Chapter 22 Summary1967 Words   |  8 PagesChapter 22 Exile in Dapitan, 1892-96 Rizal lived in exile in faraway Dapitan, a remote town in Mindanao which was under the missionary jurisdiction of the Jesuits, from 1892 to 1896. This four – year interregnum in his life was tediously unexciting, but was abundantly fruitful with varied achievements. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

One Of The Most Significant Characteristics Of Tantra

One of the most significant characteristics of TANTRA (origin 5th century CE) is the fact that it does not require the ordinary householder to renounce the world by giving up our body, our family, our material possessions, our job, even our pleasures. Instead it accentuates personal experimentation and experience as a way to improve/advance on the path of Self-realization without having to become a monk or swami. TANTRA breaks new yoga because it was/is available for everyone without any type of discrimination. TANTRA rejected the classical patriarchal cast system and exclusive Brahmanic orthodoxy in which only men and higher cast where suitable for the practice. TANTRA is all inclusive. TANTRA does not exclude social classes, gender,†¦show more content†¦It is through this precious human life and birth that we can free ourselves from ignorance and see how things really exist. From Sanskrit: TAN = To expand, TRA= tool, instrument. TANTRA can be seen as a technology or tool f or expansion of consciousness and alertness. TANTRA does not reject our objects of attachment or life conditions, but transforms how we relate to them. This is what makes this practice so compelling today. For example, our inner attitude towards money doesn’t have anything to do with the money we have. Under TANTRA’s view, there is nothing wrong about having money or enjoying life, or being tall/short, or fat/thin, or being married/single, or being employed/unemployed.., but whatever the circumstances, the attitude should be of detachment and equanimity, then a sense of freedom arises. So the world and our conditions become an ally instead of a hindrance in our spiritual development. In TANTRA there are two realities; SHIVA and SHAKTI, SHIVA representing the total matter or the absolute and SHAKTI representing the total energy or creative power. In TANTRA all reality can be divided on what we can see (visvamaya) and what is beyond (visvottirna). To experience the ultim ate reality we need to dissolve the notion of duality in our consciousness. We need to become one from two.

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Monster Free Essays

The monster, in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, is the nameless creature whose physical grotesqueness and murderous deeds label him as the embodiment of evil, when in actuality he is a remarkably sensitive and benevolent being. The monster is Victor Frankenstein’s creation, assembled from old body parts and strange chemicals, brought to life by supernatural means. He enters life with the strength of a giant, yet an infant mind. We will write a custom essay sample on The Monster or any similar topic only for you Order Now He is abandoned by his own creator and rejected by society. His feelings are the deepest of any characters in this novel, as well as the most conflicted. He states, â€Å"I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other† (Shelley 104) Mary Shelley aims to portray the monster as more of a human with humane characteristics. Unknown to them, the monster collects firewood for the De Laceys and leaves it at their door. He even saves a girl from drowning, but his good deed is rejected and he is beaten for his outward appearance. The monster is also an extremely intelligent creature. He persuaded Victor to hear his story about how he learned and acquired knowledge through reading and observing the De Laceys. However, his education only made him more aware of his isolation. The monster also desires love and companionship like any human. He ask of Victor, â€Å"I am alone and miserable; man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me. My companion must be of the same species and have the same defects. This being you must create† (Shelley 146) It is his loneliness and rejection by society that makes him so malicious but he might have been a different creature if only his desire for a female companion was satisfied. Unfortunately the monster’s mere physical ugliness is the reason society does not accept him. After being so cruelly rejected, he is enthralled with a desire for revenge. He murders Victor’s loved ones because he himself is denied closeness with anyone and wants to make Victor suffer like he did. However, even after his creator’s death, the monster is only somewhat relieved. He had taken full revenge on Victor but had also ruined his only relationship with another person. The monster’s life is intertwined with his creator and he is nothing without Victor. He asserts, â€Å"He is dead who called me into being; and when I shall be no more, the very remembrance of us both will speedily vanish. I shall no longer see the sun or stars, or feel the winds play on my cheeks. Light, feeling, and sense will pass away; and in this condition must I find my happiness† (Shelley 224-225) The monster is as much a part of Frankenstein as he is his own being, so after Victor’s death he seeks to find peace in death. How to cite The Monster, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Benefits of a College Degree Essay Sample free essay sample

After high school. a pick that many pupils have to do is whether to travel to college or non. There are many factors that go into one’s determination. There are pros and cons to traveling to college and besides there are pros and cons for non traveling to college. But the determination that will give person the better chance to hold a more successful life is to travel to college. The money that one will gain after acquiring a college grade will be more than the money a individual will do without acquiring a college grade. As our society has continued to germinate. instruction has become the optimum path to professional success: prosecuting a grade is the best manner to have preparation. to derive expertness in a given field. and even to steer you and assist you do picks about your calling ( Value†¦ ) . Money is one of the most of import grounds that a individual goes to college. On norm. a individual that has merely a high-school sheepskin earns $ 30. 400 per twelvemonth while a individual that gets a bachelor’s grade will gain on mean $ 52. 200 per twelvemonth ( Value†¦ ) . A master’s grade on norm will acquire a individual a annually wage of $ 62. 300 ( Value†¦ ) . Based on the Numberss. a formal instruction is an indispensable ingredient in today’s society. Traveling to college and acquiring four more old ages of schooling may non be the fun thing to make. but it is a wise pick to assist take one to a more successful life. Some people may state that even though that person will gain more money by acquiring a college grade. the cost of college does non be out the sum of money one will do. While the cost of college is expensive. the difference in money made from a college grade will be able to cover the cost of college over clip. The mean cost of college tuition plus disbursals per twelvemonth is between $ 20. 000 and $ 35. 000 ( U. S. News Staff ) . Of class that is rather a spot of money that would travel into paying for college. but even if a individual can non pay for it at the clip or did non acquire a scholarship. person could ever acquire a pupil loan so they can pay for college in that manner. While if a individual chooses to non travel to college. that individual can acquire a full-time occupation that one may concentrate to a great extent on. Although a individual in college can hold a occupation. that individual can non work every bit much as person who is non in college. At first this is a positive for non traveling to college because that would intend more money for the people non traveling to college. That is true but over old ages ; the people with a college grade will stop up with more money because of the higher one-year wages. The benefits of a college grade are non merely for money. but besides a college grade will besides give a individual more calling options. A individual with a college grade will hold more calling options than person without a college grade because employers will see that one has a college grade and believe that individual knows what to make and can make the occupation good. Employers want the best individual for the occupation and a college grade looks truly good on a person’s sketch ( Ten Great†¦ ) . In a study that was casted to see what employers look for. those employers said that they wanted people that have dependableness. dependability. a good attitude. the ability to read comfortably. the ability to believe more consciously. computing machine accomplishments. and the ability to pass on clearly whether it be spoken or in composing ( Knowledge and†¦ ) . Along the way of acquiring a college grade. one will besides larn these accomplishments and properties. Not merely does a college degree addition one’s opportunities of acquiring a occupation. but it can besides acquire a individual employer-paid wellness insurance and pension programs. That is great sing that the sum of employers that are offering wellness insurance and pension programs are traveling down. Besides. if in the town or province that a individual lives in hits a recession. if one has a college grade. so that individual is more likely to maintain their occupation. Plus. even if that individual does acquire fired. that individual will still be more likely to happen a occupation someplace else because of the college grade ( Ten Great†¦ ) . College is non merely a topographic point to acquire a grade. but it is besides a topographic point to do connexions and womb-to-tomb friends. Making connexions is making relationships with those that are farther along in their calling. One’s professors will bask assisting out their pupils because they would non be professors if they did non care about assisting out others. In college. a individual will run into many people from many different topographic points. The people that person is with can listen to people’s narratives about their backgrounds. experiences. and civilizations. This will be an advantage because run intoing a diverse scope of people will give one a broader position on the universe and cultural apprehension ( The Benefits†¦ ) . Bing in college will assist one learn more about themselves. While one is in college. a individual will calculate out more about their likes and disfavors ( The Benefit†¦ ) . College is a clip when 1 is get downing to fix for a calling that one will bask making that occupation for the remainder of their life. Hopefully a individual in college will happen a calling that one will bask and besides be able to execute that occupation good. The clip spent in college will assist one go more satisfied with their calling pick subsequently on in life. Of class. the obvious benefit of traveling to college is the instruction and the cognition that one will larn. In whatever major that a individual takes while in college. one will acquire a higher apprehension of what the category is approximately. Having the cognition in a certain country will do a individual better at their occupation. The cognition that one will derive in college will assist that individual making what is needed to acquire done every twenty-four hours. Plus. with a college grade. one will non necessitate every bit much preparation as person who did non acquire a grade. The benefits of traveling to college outweigh the possible negatives of traveling to college. While there is a opportunity of person being really successful in life with merely a high school sheepskin. the odds are merely better if one has a college grade. There are many benefits of traveling to college so that one can gain a college grade. One can acquire a higher one-year wage than person that does non travel to college. Having a college grade with spring a individual more calling picks and besides better their opportunities of being hired by an employer. One will larn the accomplishments that employers are looking for like cognition. dependableness. computing machine accomplishments. and much more. A individual that goes to college will develop great friendly relationships and do a existent connexion with people. While in college. one will larn more about themselves. happen out more about oneself. and hopefully be able to recognize their dreams. There is no right manner to populat e life. but when person is seeking to calculate what way to take so that one can carry through their dreams and be every bit happy as possible. the marks point that traveling to college and acquiring a college grade is the smarter pick. Plants Cited Gill. Deanna. â€Å"Negative Effectss of Not Exercising. † n. p. HubPages Inc. 22 Mar. 2011. Web. 3Nov. 2012. Wiley. Blackwell. â€Å"Regular Exercise Reduces Large Number of Health Risks Including Dementia and Some Cancers. Study Finds. † ScienceDaily. 16 Nov. 2010. Web. 3 Nov. 2012. CourseAdvisor. â€Å"Benefits of a College Degree. † Washington Post Company. CourseAdvisor Inc. 2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012.â€Å"Knowledge and Skills Needed to Succeed in the twenty-first Century Workplace. † National Center for Higher Education Management Systems. June 2000.â€Å"Ten Great Reasons to Get a College Degree. † n. p. Yellow Page College Directory. 2011. Web. 6 Dec. 2012.â€Å"The Benefits of a College Degree. † n. p. Hobsons. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. â€Å"The Real Benefits of a College Degree. † n. p. RightFitDegrees. com. Inc. 2009-2012. Web. 7 Dec. 2012.U. S. News Staff. â€Å"The Average Cost of a U. S. College Education. † n. p. U. S. News A ; World Report. 24 Aug. 2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012.â€Å"Value of Education. † n. p. 2003-2010. Web. 6 Dec. 2012.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Man essays

Man essays Once more dinosaurs are on the loose on a small island. This time the island will not be used as a tourist attraction and will instead be used mainly as a research and gaming locale. One group of humans payed for by the investors of the original Jurrrasic Park are dispatched to attempt to capture and herd the beasts. The group is lead by a seasoned hunter, who leads the group with caution and reason. The main hunter has one desire, that being to hunt a Tyranosaurus Rex. He leaves his group under the commnand of another while he goes after his prey. He captures one of the island's T-Rex offsprings and sets it up as bait. His bid to kill a T-Rex proves unsuccesful. Another group of do gooders arive on the island and free the dinosaurs that have been captured by the other group. . This was done because they feel herding the animals to be later used as zoo pets is wrong. As the dinosaurs are freed they destroy all of the vehicles and equipment the group had. The do gooder scientists team with the hunters to attempt to survive. Instead of taking control of the dinosaurs of the island as planned, the group barely manages to escape disaster. A T-Rex sneaks onboard a seavessel leaving the island and wrecks havock on a major American city before being destroyed. The film did have memorable effects just like its predecessor, but its story appeared a bit weak as compared to the first. Once more dinosaurs are on the loose on a small island. This time the island will not be used as a tourist attraction and will instead be used mainly as a research and gaming locale. One group of humans payed for by the investors of the original Jurrrasic Park are dispatched to attempt to capture and herd the beasts. The group is lead by a seasoned hunter, who leads the group with caution and reason. The main hunter has one desire, that being to hunt a Tyranosaurus Rex. He leaves his grou ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American History and The Seperation of Church and State Essay

American History and The Seperation of Church and State - Essay Example The separation of church and state is an issue that should not continue to be debated as this matter was settled nearly 300 years ago in this country and culture. However, subjects such as whether evolution should be taught in school continue to plague the American dialogue and, opposed to the intentions of the Founders, the political arena as well. In founding the new nation, Thomas Jefferson, working on a bill for his own home state of Virginia, drafted the first document to expressly address the connection between church and state based on the ideas of Locke. â€Å"Taking this idea from Locke, Jefferson proposed that Virginia end all tax support of religion and recognize the natural right of all persons to believe as they wish.† (â€Å"Separating Church and State† 1997) The bill didn’t pass right away, but a reintroduction of it by James Madison while Jefferson was serving as ambassador to France saw acceptance and the first time in history that a government had acted to legally separate church and state. It was three years later, in 1789, when Madison proposed several amendments to the new Constitution that would further define the federal government’s restrictions as far as it pertained to religious beliefs. The very first of these amendments begins with â€Å"Congress shall make no law respect ing an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"The Constitution†) Despite this, by the time Jefferson himself became president in 1801, the separation of church and state remained an issue of paperwork in many of the states, where laws regarding who could vote (only Christians in good standing), establishing religious holidays and holy days and enforcing taxes to support the Christian church were still enforced. When Jefferson was criticized for refusing to proclaim a national day of prayer, he responded